Warta tren salon kuku ing China


Nail art minangka karya kanggo dekorasi lan nghias kuku, uga dikenal minangka desain seni kuku. Nduweni karakteristik ekspresi macem-macem. Disinfects lan ngresiki kuku miturut wangun tangan customer, wangun kuku, kualitas kulit, lan werna sandhangan lan syarat. , Care, pangopènan, modifikasi lan proses beautification. Kanthi paningkatan tingkat penghasilan sing terus-terusan lan owah-owahan bertahap saka konsep konsumsi, industri kuku negara saya wis mlebu tahap pangembangan kanthi cepet. Ing taun 2017, jumlah salon kuku ing negaraku ngluwihi 370,000, lan total pendapatan operasi industri kasebut 120 milyar yuan, mundhak 30,72% saka 91,8 milyar yuan ing taun 2016. Skala pasar industri kuku negara saya berkembang kanthi cepet.

Margin bathi salon kuku dhuwur banget, kanthi bathi bathi reged rata-rata luwih saka 90%. Relatif ngandika, ukuran investasi salon kuku bisa gedhe utawa cilik. Udakara 30.000 yuan bisa mbukak salon kuku profesional sing apik banget lan elegan, nanging bathi dhuwur uga ora Yen sampeyan ora mbukak bisnis sing apik, yen sampeyan ora ngoperasikake utawa sinau kawruh anyar babagan seni kuku lan perawatan kulit sawise mbukak toko, toko iki uga ora mbukak kanggo dangu.

Industry professional analysts said that the nail industry has low investment, low risks, high profits, and fast returns, so the market scale is growing rapidly. However, the overall management, professional technology, and service quality of my country's nail industry have not been rapidly improved with the rapid development of the market. With the upgrading of consumption concepts, the quality requirements of Chinese consumers for products and services are gradually increasing. my country's nail industry needs to conform to market demand and develop in the direction of standardization, specialization, branding, and characteristic. With the current rapid economic development and the renewal of consumer concepts, the nail industry will enter a stage of rapid development from the perspective of mature foreign market development experience.

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